
“There is no such thing as ghosts Danny and even if there were I don’t think Madison would be haunting your house. Yes sure she used to own it before you moved in but she didn’t die here, she died giving a blow job in a moving car when it crashed so I think your mind is just playing tricks on you. Fine I’ll stay over tonight but don’t get any ideas mister I’m saving myself for when you put a ring on this finger.”


“Mmmm it feels so much better to have a body again even if it was your prudish girlfriend. After I got rid of the rags she called clothes and put on the dress you brought me her body started to feel more and more mine. Once I had the jewelry and make up on I was practically myself again. Maybe even better. Years of being chaste has given your girlfriend an almost perfect body. You were so blue balled by her you lured her here for me to take under the condition I fuck you. If I didn’t find you physically repulsive I’d admire the evilness of it all. Oh that’s right I’m not fucking you now or ever. My new pussy is virgin and I want a real man to make me a woman. So long loser and thanks for your girlfriend.”


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