Playing house

“Please you have to help, I don’t know what happened.” Zach said in a panic as he greeted his nerdy best friend Jane at the door. He had called Jane to come over quick as something bad had happened but didn’t explain what.

“If anyone can help I know you can Jane, you’re the smartest girl in school after all.” He said leading her upstairs to his dad and stepmoms room. They walked in and Jane was taken aback by how different the room was to the rest of the house.

The bedroom was filled with expensive items and looked like it belonged in an upscale mansion while the rest of house was sparse and ugly by comparison. This shouldn’t really of surprised her as she always though Zach’s dad Damien prioritised his own comfort over his sons. On the floor in front of the mirror was some sort of flesh coloured rubber pile.

“So what’s the problem.” Jane said confused.

Zach walked over to the pile of rubber.

“This is the problem. This pile is my stepmom!” Zach said without an ouch of insincerity. “I was having a fight with her and all of a sudden it was like all the air was let out of her.” Jane walked over to the pile and it did indeed look like his Stepmom Abigail.

“Ok is this some sort of prank? I know you don’t like your stepmom and you blame her for turning your dad into a bit of a bastard but this isn’t funny.” Jane said starting to get concerned.

“It’s not a joke! Yes it’s true I think my stepmom is just some gold digging slut but I still wouldn’t do wish this upon anyone! Please you have to help me reverse it!” Zach said pleading with Jane. She could see that he was being honest.

“Ok well I’m not sure what we can do exactly.” She said picking up the rubber suit. At once she felt a strange vibration coarse through her body.

“Well I was hoping you could figure out why it happened and reverse engineer it or something.” Zach said but Jane didn’t hear any of it. It was like all sound had been sucked out of the room as she held the suit. It continued to pulse through her body but then out of the void she could hear a voice speak to her and only her.

“Hello Jane, so good of you to help. Doesn’t my skin feel great to touch? Wouldn’t it feel great to have skin like mine?” The disembodied voice of Abigail spoke. Jane nodded almost zombie like.

“Wouldn’t you like to know how it feels to inhabit my body? To feel how I feel? You can experience what it’s like to have big tits and a perfect ass. You can know what it feels like to have every man want you for your body. No more dorky life, no more rejections only pleasure. Doesn’t that sound exquisite?” Abigail spoke in a sexy purr and again Jane could only nod in agreement.

“Then be a bad little girl and strip off your clothes and slip into my naughty skin.” She said and Jane proceeded to do as asked. Zach was speechless as his best friend now stood before him completely naked seemingly in a trance. Jane then began to put on the suit legs first. The suit latched onto her skin immediately and Jane could feel her nerve endings become one with suit’s.

“Ohhhh yessss Jane you’ll love becoming a mean bitch. Just think of all the hot dick you’ll get looking like me.” Abigail whispered as Jane felt her body start to merge with the suit.

“Mmmmmm yesssss it feels sooooo fucking good.” She moaned as the suit’s clit attached tightly to her own. She wanted to rub it so badly but Abigail told her no.

“You can’t touch our pussy with those hands of yours. You need my elegant hands and slender fingers to do it.” Abigail said and Jane complied by slipping her own hands into Abigail’s hollowed out arms. Each one of her fingers fit perfectly into Abigail’s and tightened snugly. Jane examined her new manicured and long nails like a warrior examines their weapons.

“Oh fuck I can do damage with these. They make me feel so dangerous, I love it!” Jane said cackling to herself. The more of Abigails body she put on the more she felt her old personality become eroded and replaced with Abigail’s bitchy attitude. They were becoming one. Next she pulled the suits chest onto her own. Where before she fit snuggly into the suit here she felt a gap where her small breasts couldn’t meet the back of Abigails huge tits.

“Oh no what will we do about this? Not to worry.” Abigails said with tease in her voice. Suddenly Jane could feel the interior of the suit grow to meet her chest. Within seconds she felt it latch onto her erect nipples and fully consume her petite breasts. She couldn’t feel where her tits ended and Abigail’s began. She stroked her new breasts with her equally new fingers and moaned in pleasure.

“Oh I’ve always wanted tits big enough to jerk a cock off with and now I have breasts gorgeous enough to make men cum on command.” Jane said as a wicked smile crossed her face.

In the reflection of the mirror she could see Zach staring transfixed at everything that was happening. What was even better was she could see the outline of his erect cock and her new pussy shivered with delight. She had always had a crush on Zach since they were kids. They even used to play house together but knew she would never have a chance with him. He was handsome, strong and caring but she knew he saw her more as a sister. Now though she was challenging him on what he used to think.

“Don’t worry Jane we will have fun with him later but for now how about we finish our transformation. Put on my face. Become me. Become Abigail. Become the bitch you’ve secretly always wanted. Let our minds and bodies become one.” Abigail said and Jane couldn’t put on the rest of the suit faster. The suit had corrupted most of her mind and she was already thinking like a greed obsessed slut but she was eager to finish her descent.

She lifted the head portion of the suit over her own and felt the suit begin to seal up at the back. At first she was filled with a sense of fear as the suit tightened around her body and entomb her forevermore as Abigail but as she and the suit became one a rush of memories and desires filled her mind. Jane’s persona got absorbed willingly by Abigail’s more dominant and bitchy personality. Fear turned to lust. Lust for money, cock and clothes became her new norm. She cackled to herself as she strode up to the mirror to take in her beauty. She looked upon her body as if for the first time. For part of her it was. It was at once familiar yet foreign.

“Mmmmm I feel like a new me. Oh Abigail you’re such a bad bitch.” She said vainly posing.

“Ok I’ve done as you asked. I’ve found you a new host after your last one escaped. Now it’s your turn, give me back my dad!” Zach said behind her suddenly out of his trance and cock no longer erect. Abigail rolled her eyes in indifference to him. Such a boy scout she thought as she walked over to the bedside drawer and took something out that he couldn’t see. She stalked over to him and he cowered before her.

“So pathetic. So much wasted potential. You could be an arrogant hot stud like your father but instead you waste it all being a nice guy. No wonder Damien came up this plan.” Abigail said as she took his hand and shoved a ring onto it. Zach recognized it as his father’s wedding ring.

“I don’t understand? Where is my father?” He said taking a step back from her.

“Your father is quite brilliant. When he learned my host had changed her mind mind about being a hot little slut he came up with the idea to trick you into finding a new youthful vessel. Of course he decided if I were going to get a new body then he should get one too.” Abigail said as a sinister smile crossed her lips.

Zach didn’t understand but he didn’t like the sound of it. “That bitch tricked me” he thought. “That gold digging sexy slut. No not sexy. Evil. Evil manipulative hot bitch. No what am I saying? Why am I getting turned on?” Zach couldn’t understand what was going on. His dick felt bigger than usual. His muscles were also feeling bigger, stronger. He felt good like he could do anything, that he could take anything.

“That’s it my boy, doesn’t it feel better to use what I gave you to be bad?” His father whispered in his head. “Look at your step mother for example. Wouldn’t you like her? Don’t you want to take her? Wouldn’t you like her big cock sucking lips around your cock.”

Zach nodded. Why shouldn’t he use his natural good looks to his advantage? He could of been a star quarterback with dozens of hot women lining up to suck his dick. Ohhhhhh yessss he thought, he wanted that more than anything now that his father was infecting his brain. Abigail was looking on with delight as Zach’s eyes filled up with hunger. She sensed his transformation nearing the end and so left the room to get ready.

“Of course Abigail is used to men and not boys. You are inexperienced, let me help you then she won’t be able to keep her hands off of you.” His father enticed.

“Yesssss give me all your power, all your memories. I want to make that bitch mine. Make me into the arrogant bastard she needs.” Zach said allowing his father to completely consume him. He felt his father’s strength enhance his own. He grew a little older, fully maturing into his looks. His mind now completely controlled by Damien. He grunted and flexed his muscles. Abigail re-entered holding champagne and barely wearing anything. She approached him and this time he didn’t cower.

“Oh baby this was the best idea you’ve ever had, it deserves a celebration. I can’t wait to have my brains fucked out by you.” She said handing him a glass while whispering in his ear. Damien hadn’t felt this good in years. He downed the drink in one and tossed the glass aside as he lifted Abigail up with ease and lowered her on his fully upright cock. She moaned like a wanton whore.

“Oh fuck Damien your cock feels so good. So big. Cum inside me baby, cum inside me new younger pussy. Mmmmm doesn’t it feel so tight.” She said purring as she rode his cock like a pro. That night the remade couple fucked for hours and hours. Zach and Jane were now playing house forever.

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